December 21, 22, and 23 only, you can download four free e-Books by Sam Knight!
All I ask in return, is that you share this link, so that more people can get the books for free!
Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m not supposed to give them ALL away for free, I’m just supposed to give away one and hope you’ll buy the rest. Well … the Spirit of the Season is upon me, and I want to give them away! Please help me pass on this gift to as many people as possible. Especially the kids. Three of these are really children’s books, and I wan’t children to read them. Thank you.
Happy Holidays!
Click on the picture to follow the link to Amazon where you can download a free Kindle copy. If you don’t have a Kindle, remember there are Kindle apps for Android and IOS systems so you can still read them on your phone or tablet!