LLC Periodic Report Scam–Don’t Fall For It!

One of the things I hate most are predatory businesses and I’ve encountered this one before. Don’t let WORKPLACE COMPLIANCE SERVICES screw you over!

This is Colorado specific, for those of us who have LLC’s in Colorado, but if the scam is here, I’m sure it’s everywhere, so please use caution when responding to things you get in the mail.

This letter, which has all of your appropriate LLC information on it (because it is public information!), tries to trick you into giving $75 to WORKPLACE COMPLIANCE SERVICES to file your LLC’s Periodic Report with Colorado.

Note the stuff I blacked out. It is all accurate information, which makes this look legitimate, but it is all public record. They’ve skimmed the information to scam you. (Well, me in this case.)

The only places where this crappy company let you know they are not an official government agency are where I marked #1 and #3. Everything else is designed to scare you into sending them money.

Note where I marked #2. This indicates that **MAYBE** this is a legitimate company providing a legitimate service for the price of $75. The State fee is only $10 and I can do it on my computer in less than 10 minutes.

Don’t fall for this B.S.

Spread the word and don’t let one of your friends fall for it either.